Roadtrip Calculator

Estimate the total costs of your road trip. Enter your trip details below to get an estimate of the costs you should expect for rental, fuel, food and accommodation.

Rental costs

Number of days is required.
Daily costs for your rental are required.
Daily costs for your rental are required.

Fuel costs:

Distance is required.
Daily costs for your rental are required.
Check fuel economy for cars and trucks/motorhomes if you don't know the data for your rental car.


Daily costs for your accommodation required.

Spending budget

Daily budget for food, drinks.
Budget for extras like park entries, tours, sightseeing.

Cost summary

Free seat in your car?

Ready to save money and make new friends? Post your own carpool listing today and share driving and gas costs with other Travellers.

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Need a ride for a road trip, vacation family, or an event but dont have a car? Post your listings to find a convenient and cost-effective carpool that fits your schedule.

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