Carpools and ride share in Agnes Water

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Things to See and Do in Agnes Water

Things to See and Do in Agnes Water for Backpackers

  1. Visit the Agnes Water Beach and Town of 1770: Take a stroll on the beautiful beach and explore the charming town of 1770, which is the second oldest town in Queensland.

  2. Surfing: Agnes Water is known for its great surfing spots, so grab a board and hit the waves.

  3. Stand-up Paddleboarding and Kayaking: Rent a paddleboard or kayak and explore the calm waters of the area.

  4. Visit the Paperbark Forest Boardwalk: Take a walk through the Paperbark Forest Boardwalk and see the unique vegetation of the area.

  5. Take a Sunset Cruise: Take a sunset cruise and enjoy the stunning views of the ocean and coastline.

  6. Visit the Butterfly Sanctuary: Take a tour of the Butterfly Sanctuary and see the beautiful butterflies up close.

  7. Go Fishing: Agnes Water is a great spot for fishing, so grab a rod and try your luck.

  8. Go Hiking: Take a hike on one of the many hiking trails in the area and enjoy the beautiful scenery.

  9. Visit the LARC Tours: Take a tour on the amphibious LARC and explore the national parks and waterways of the area.

  10. Enjoy the Local Food Scene: Try some of the local restaurants and cafes and taste the delicious food of the area.

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